The stadium uses what3words to help find precise locations at the venue, such as parking, entrances, the museum and first aid areas. Every 3m square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address. We have added some popular locations here for the stadium, find each location by clicking on the link or entering the corresponding 3 word address into the free what3words app:
Bike Racks
///added.boxer.bleat -
West Car Park Entrance
///truth.towns.snaps -
First Aid
///shaped.unable.bids -
Gate A
///dwell.during.boxer -
Gate B
///rally.rises.drama -
Gate C
///advice.loaf.area -
Gate D
///newly.icon.miles -
Gate E
///salsa.lace.them -
Rose and Poppy Gate
///chop.forgot.pull -
Gate F
///defeat.insect.deeply -
Lineout Statue
///smiled.gangs.pans -
Onsite Hotel
///shock.meant.decent -
Rugby House
///event.gently.lived -
England Rugby Store
/// -
Ticket Office
///rocks.stove.curve -
Union 15
///shower.stacks.grit -
World Rugby Museum
///puppy.raves.mime -
North Car Park
///eggs.spite.tummy -
Official Merchandise
///legend.echo.behind -
Jerusalem Gates
///gifts.torn.levels -
First Aid