Q&A with Eclipse AV

Twickenham's recently introduced LED smart studio, operated by Eclipse, is one of the many ways we are catering for hybrid and virtual events. Jordan Nutsford, Head of Digital, Eclipse answered a few questions about The Studio. Jordan has worked at Eclipse since 2017 and has 14 years' experience in technical event production.
What is a virtual event and how does it differ from a hybrid event?
If we're trying to stay strict(ish!) with our definitions, the
audience of a virtual event is based online and engages with your
content remotely. A hybrid event on the other hand is a live event,
that has an additional online presence to allow participant
engagement regardless of location.
However, across 2020/21 it's become clear that the lines between
'virtual', 'hybrid' and 'live' will continue to blur and
ultimately, these elements will all come to form what we had always
just called 'events'.
Can any event be hosted virtually?
Absolutely! In fact, many of our clients have realised how
beneficial having a virtual component in their events can be, and
plan to continue including virtual as part of their event strategy
What started as uncharted territory for many has dramatically
changed the way they approach events. Not only technology options,
but revenue streams, audience engagement, logistics, analytics, and
sustainability also.
What are some examples of virtual events?
With the rapid change in our industry over the last year,
virtual events have taken the shape of almost every comparative
type of live event. From your regular Friday night trivia all the
way through to online conferences, exhibitions, concerts, jobs
fairs, university open days, team building seminars and more.
What we're now focussing on, is harnessing the key parts of this
technology and applying it moving forward.
Presenters needing to fly in from halfway around the world to
deliver a short presentation, are now delivering that presentation
remotely with broadcast quality production. What was once a lengthy
and low response email survey of your participants, is now
automatic and granular information on their engagements and
interactions in your virtual space.
Why might I choose to use The Studio at Twickenham, instead of Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc.?
Though video conferencing has definitely carved its place into
the way we work for good, we've all by this stage heard of 'Zoom
Fatigue' and I'm sure all experienced it too! 'Engagement' is an
often-used word in this space; however, the unsung hero of your
virtual presence is Production Value. This is what a facility like
The Studio can offer.
Far above and beyond a presenter at home on their webcam, with
facilities like The Studio we're able to turn your agenda into a
professional, interactive, TV style broadcast for your viewers.
Quality content leads to quality engagement.
Will there be a team to help set up The Studio?
The Studio is permanently in place and ready to be utilised for
your events. Between Eclipse and the team at Twickenham, our
world-class technicians and production staff are at hand to assist
you in building industry leading events.
Our adaptability and attention to detail have really been on show
over the last year. We're very proud to be able to share our
knowledge and the experience from our success stories.
What services are available when hiring The Studio?
The Studio offers a full suite of broadcast technology.
It features a 7.5m x 3.5m LED backdrop with full scale broadcast
lighting, camera, and content facilities. Most importantly it
offers an entirely immersive and interactive environment to present
from. This can then be broadcast anywhere in the world.
What is the difference between a green screen vs the LED smart screen that The Studio features?
The key difference between a green screen and The Studio is the
presentation space. Everything your viewers are seeing and
everything your presenters are interacting with is right there,
physically in the space. Presenters will have a genuine physical
connection to the environment around them.
For seasoned stage presenters this is a game-changer and will be
more similar to how they're used to presenting. The more
comfortable your presenters are, the better their delivery will
How have you made sure The Studio is compliant to COVID-19 restrictions?
Being COVID safe has been our top priority throughout the
pandemic. This has allowed us to continue producing events safely
and effectively in line with local restrictions.
Regardless of location, we operate with the same set of strict
controls and are accredited as 'We're good to go' by